SPS Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build 2021 Day 5
Today the other walls went up, everyone was so excited and happy to be helping. Styrofoam went up on the other side of the house mentioned on Day 4. Rocks were picked up and soil was laid down. Framing around the front of the houses were completed today.

Who were the sponsors today at SPS Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build?
SPS Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build Day 5 had volunteers from Rob Rice Homes and Panowicz Jewellers. Oh and lunch was sponsored by Meconis! Yummm!

Today I thought I would share some tips for future Women’s Build volunteers.
Tips for before women’s build volunteer day:
- If you’re a Beachbody lover like me and you work out all the time, trust me you don’t need to pump the iron today. I highly recommend you stretch in some fashion, yoga works well too.
- Have a great breakfast as the weather, like today, might be very hot so you wanna make sure your hydrated and have a full tummy.
- Hydrate your skin.
- Try scheduling a massage session.

What to pack for the day:
- Water
- Sunscreen
- Hat
- First aid kit items you may prefer to use (I am a Staaldruppels fan and am allergic to the sticky part of band aids so I make sure I have something to help with cuts)
- Extra masks in case
- Sunglasses which are great for protection from sun and sawdust
- Extra change of clothes in case
- Advil/Ibuprofen/similar so that you can head off the strain/pain that may or may not develop

Tips for during women’s build:
- Drink water regularly
- Eat snacks often
- Take breaks in the shade
- Communicate when you need something, today I checked in with a volunteer, she needed Advil and only had one left, I grabbed some of mine but you can always ask for the first aid kit.
- Stretch it out when you feel strain, do what you need to take care of yourself

Tips for after Women’s Build:
- Wash your hair even if you think you don’t need to, because sawdust gets into all the places
- If your like me and got down on the sawdust check your body for splinters you may need tweezers to help
- A nice hot bath will do wonders and if your into oils go ahead and grab the peppermint or Panaway oils, also espom salts are a great idea too
- Schedule a massage session, trust me you’ll need it
- If you like spas, visit one that has tubs, the local one here is The Olympus Spa. Soaking in their hottubs/pools is very therapeutic.
- If you led a team send some thank you notes to your team
- If its still the month of Women’s Build you probably can still help fundraise so go ahead and post about your experience on social media with a link to their donate page, specifically to the Women’s Build page.

Here are some links you might like:
You can read more about it here.
You can help Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build reach their goal here.
You can learn more about South Puget Sound Habitat for Humanity at their website here.
You can also check out their stores here.

You can also check out previous days here:
Before South Puget Sound Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build.
Day 1 of South Puget Sound Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build.
Day 2 of South Puget Sound Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build.
Day 3 of South Puget Sound Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build.
Day 4 of South Puget Sound Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build.